ECharts: Mastering the Art of Fixing Margins on Resize
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ECharts: Mastering the Art of Fixing Margins on Resize

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky margin issues in ECharts every time you resize your chart? You’re not alone! Many developers and designers struggle with this common problem, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the ultimate solution.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the fix, let’s understand what’s happening behind the scenes. When you resize an ECharts chart, the margins on the chart don’t automatically adjust to fit the new dimensions. This can lead to awkward white space, overlapping labels, and a generally unappealing visual experience.

The Default Behavior

By default, ECharts sets the margin as a fixed pixel value. This means that when you resize the chart, the margin remains the same, causing the chart to become misaligned.

option = {
  title: {
    text: 'Line Chart'
  tooltip: {},
  legend: {
    data: ['Line']
  xAxis: {},
  yAxis: {},
  series: [{
    name: 'Line',
    type: 'line',
    data: [5, 20, 40, 10, 10, 20]

The Solution: Calculate Margins on Resize

To fix the margin issue, we need to dynamically calculate the margin values based on the resized chart dimensions. We’ll use the getBoundingClientRect() method to get the width and height of the chart container, and then use those values to set the margin.

// Get the chart container element
var chartContainer = document.getElementById('chart-container');

// Get the chart instance
var chart = echarts.getInstanceBy.dom(chartContainer);

// Define the function to calculate and set margins
function setMargins() {
  // Get the width and height of the chart container
  var width = chartContainer.getBoundingClientRect().width;
  var height = chartContainer.getBoundingClientRect().height;

  // Calculate the margin values based on the container size
  var margin = {
    top: height * 0.1,
    bottom: height * 0.1,
    left: width * 0.2,
    right: width * 0.2

  // Set the new margin values
    grid: {
      left: margin.left,
      right: margin.right,
      bottom: margin.bottom

// Call the function on resize
window.addEventListener('resize', setMargins);

How it Works

In the code above, we first get a reference to the chart container element using document.getElementById(). We then get the chart instance using echarts.getInstanceBy.dom().

We define a function setMargins() that calculates the margin values based on the chart container’s width and height. We use the getBoundingClientRect() method to get the container’s dimensions, and then calculate the margin values as a percentage of the container size.

We then use the setOption() method to set the new margin values for the chart. Finally, we attach an event listener to the window object to call the setMargins() function whenever the window is resized.

Tweak and Refine

While the above solution works, you may need to tweak the margin calculations to fit your specific use case. Here are some tips to help you refine the solution:

  • Adjust the margin percentage values to fit your design requirements.
  • Consider using different margin calculations for different screen sizes (e.g., mobile, tablet, desktop).
  • If you’re using a responsive layout, make sure to update the margin values based on the new container size.

Common Gotchas

When implementing this solution, keep an eye out for these common gotchas:

  1. Chart container size changes: If the chart container size changes dynamically, make sure to update the margin values accordingly.
  2. chart instance not found: Ensure that you’re getting the correct chart instance using echarts.getInstanceBy.dom().
  3. Margin calculations: Double-check your margin calculations to ensure they’re correct and responsive-friendly.


Fixing the margin issue on resize in ECharts is a breeze with the right approach. By dynamically calculating the margin values based on the chart container size, you can ensure a seamless and responsive charting experience for your users.

Remember to refine the solution to fit your specific use case, and keep an eye out for common gotchas. With this solution, you’ll be well on your way to creating beautiful, responsive charts that impress and inform.

Margin Property Description
top Sets the top margin of the chart.
bottom Sets the bottom margin of the chart.
left Sets the left margin of the chart.
right Sets the right margin of the chart.

Happy charting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about ECharts and resizing charts with margins! 📊

Q1: Why does my ECharts margin disappear when I resize the chart?

A1: This is because ECharts recalculates the chart layout when the container size changes, and sometimes it forgets about the margins. To fix this, you can set the `grid` or `grid.left/grid.right/` properties to a fixed value, ensuring the margin remains intact even when resizing. 😊

Q2: How can I maintain a consistent margin when the chart is resized?

A2: You can use the `grid` property and set the `containLabel` option to `true`. This will ensure the labels are always within the grid and the margin remains consistent. Additionally, you can also use the ` calculable` property to make the chart calculating the layout based on the grid. 💡

Q3: What if I want a dynamic margin that adjusts based on the chart size?

A3: You can use a function to calculate the margin dynamically based on the chart size. For example, you can use the `getOption` callback to get the current chart size and then calculate the margin accordingly. This way, the margin will adjust automatically when the chart is resized. 📈

Q4: Can I set a minimum margin to prevent the chart from getting too close to the edge?

A4: Yes, you can! Set the `grid.left/grid.right/` properties to a minimum value using the `min` option. For example, `grid: { left: ‘10%’, min: 20 }` will ensure the left margin is at least 20 pixels. 👍

Q5: What if I’m using a responsive chart and want the margin to adapt to different screen sizes?

A5: Easy peasy! Use the `media` option in the `option` object to define different margin settings for different screen sizes. For example, you can set a smaller margin for mobile devices and a larger margin for desktop devices. Just be sure to adjust the `grid` properties accordingly. 📱

I hope this helps! 😊