How to Make Spring.Data.MongoDB.Password Have an Optional Value in Spring’s Application.Properties?
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How to Make Spring.Data.MongoDB.Password Have an Optional Value in Spring’s Application.Properties?

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustration of having to provide a password for your MongoDB connection in your Spring application, even when you don’t need one? Do you wish you could make the `` property optional in your `` file? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to do just that.

Why Do We Need to Make the Password Optional?

In many cases, you may not need to provide a password for your MongoDB connection. For example, if you’re using a local development environment or a MongoDB instance that doesn’t require authentication, you may not need to provide a password. However, by default, Spring requires you to provide a password in your `` file, which can be frustrating and unnecessary.

Solution Overview

The solution to this problem is to use Spring’s built-in feature of externalizing configuration properties using a `@Configuration` class. We’ll create a custom `MongoDBConfig` class that will allow us to make the `` property optional.

Step 1: Create a Custom MongoDBConfig Class

The first step is to create a custom `MongoDBConfig` class that will override the default MongoDB configuration provided by Spring. Create a new Java class with the following code:

public class MongoDBConfig extends AbstractMongoConfiguration {

    private String mongoUri;

    private String database;

    private String username;

    private String password;

    protected String getDatabaseName() {
        return database;

    protected UserCredentials getUserCredentials() {
        if (username != null && password != null) {
            return new UserCredentials(username, password);
        } else {
            return null;

    public MongoClient mongoClient() {
        MongoClientURI mongoClientURI = new MongoClientURI(mongoUri);
        return new MongoClient(mongoClientURI);

In this class, we’re using Spring’s `@Value` annotation to inject the values of the ``, ``, ``, and `` properties. We’re then overriding the `getUserCredentials()` method to return `null` if the `username` and `password` properties are not set.

Step 2: Update the File

Next, we need to update our `` file to remove the `` property. Delete the following line:

If you want to provide a default value for the password, you can add the following line:

Leaving the password property empty will allow you to make it optional.

Step 3: Configure the MongoDB Connection

Finally, we need to configure the MongoDB connection in our Spring application. Create a new Java class with the following code:

public class MyApplication {

    public MongoTemplate mongoTemplate() {
        return new MongoTemplate(new MongoClient("localhost", 27017), "mydatabase");

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

In this class, we’re creating a `MongoTemplate` bean that will be used to connect to our MongoDB instance.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to make the `` property optional in your `` file. By creating a custom `MongoDBConfig` class and updating our `` file, we can easily make the password property optional and avoid the frustration of having to provide a password when it’s not necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do I need to create a custom MongoDBConfig class?

A: Creating a custom `MongoDBConfig` class allows us to override the default MongoDB configuration provided by Spring and make the `` property optional.

Q: Can I use this approach with other Spring Boot starters?

A: Yes, this approach can be used with other Spring Boot starters, such as the `spring-boot-starter-data-jpa` starter, to make other configuration properties optional.

Q: Will this approach work with Spring Boot 1.x?

A: No, this approach is specifically designed for Spring Boot 2.x. If you’re using Spring Boot 1.x, you may need to use a different approach to make the `` property optional.

Property Description The URI of the MongoDB instance The name of the MongoDB database The username to use for authentication The password to use for authentication (optional)

By following these steps and using a custom `MongoDBConfig` class, you can easily make the `` property optional in your `` file. Happy coding!

  • Make sure to update your `` file to remove the `` property.
  • If you want to provide a default value for the password, you can add the following line to your `` file: ``
  • Make sure to configure the MongoDB connection in your Spring application using a `MongoTemplate` bean.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explore the world of Spring’s application properties and find out how to make `` have an optional value!

Q1: Can I make `` optional in Spring’s

Yes, you can make `` optional by using the `` property instead, which allows you to specify the MongoDB connection URI without a password.

Q2: What if I still want to use ``? Can I make it optional?

Yes, you can make `` optional by using a default value or a placeholder in your file. For example, you can set `${mongodb.password:default-password}`.

Q3: How do I configure `` to be optional using YAML configuration files?

You can configure `` to be optional in YAML configuration files by using the `?` symbol after the property name. For example: `spring: data: mongodb: password: ${mongodb.password:?}`.

Q4: Can I use a configuration class to make `` optional?

Yes, you can use a configuration class to make `` optional. Create a `@Configuration` class and use the `@Value` annotation to inject the password property with a default value. For example: `@Value(“${mongodb.password:default-password}”) private String password;`.

Q5: What are the benefits of making `` optional?

Making `` optional provides flexibility and convenience when developing and deploying Spring-based applications. It allows you to easily switch between different MongoDB instances or environments without having to update the password in the file.