Solving the Mysterious “_SharpYuvConvert: undefined symbols for architecture arm64” Error
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Solving the Mysterious “_SharpYuvConvert: undefined symbols for architecture arm64” Error

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon the infamous “libwebp: undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” error. Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many developers have faced this issue, and it’s not because of a lack of coding skills or a dash of bad luck. Nope, it’s simply a matter of understanding the underlying causes and taking the right steps to resolve it.

What’s behind the error?

Arm64 Architecture and libwebp

The arm64 architecture is a 64-bit instruction set used in many modern mobile devices. While libwebp is an excellent library for image compression, it was initially designed to support x86 and x86-64 architectures. Unfortunately, this means that when you try to use libwebp on an arm64 device, it can’t find the necessary symbols, resulting in the undefined symbols error.

Solution: Building libwebp with arm64 Support

Now that we have a better understanding of the problem, let’s get to the fun part – solving it! To resolve the “_SharpYuvConvert: undefined symbols for architecture arm64” error, you’ll need to build libwebp with arm64 support. Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think!

Step 1: Get the libwebp Source Code

First, download the libwebp source code from the official website or use a package manager like Homebrew (on macOS) or apt-get (on Linux). You can also clone the repository using Git:

git clone

Step 2: Configure and Build libwebp

Next, configure and build libwebp using the following commands:

cd libwebp
./configure --target=arm64-darwin
make install

For Linux users, replace `–target=arm64-darwin` with `–target=arm64-linux-gnu`.

Step 3: Verify the Build

After building libwebp, verify that it has been successfully compiled with arm64 support by checking the `libwebp.pc` file:

cat libwebp.pc | grep arm64

This should output something like:

Cflags: -I${includedir} -I${includedir}/webp -march=armv8-a -mcpu=cortex-a53 -mtune=generic

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting

To ensure a smooth experience, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Use the correct architecture flags: Make sure to use the correct architecture flags (`–target=arm64-darwin` or `–target=arm64-linux-gnu`) depending on your platform.
  • Verify the build output: Double-check the build output to ensure that libwebp has been successfully compiled with arm64 support.
  • Clean up previous builds: If you’ve previously built libwebp without arm64 support, clean up the build directory and start from scratch.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the build process, refer to the following common solutions:

Error Message Solution
configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables Check that your C compiler is installed and functional. On macOS, you might need to install Xcode or update your Command Line Tools.
make: *** No rule to make target `install’. Stop. Run `make install` in the `libwebp` directory, not in a subdirectory.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert Verify that you’ve correctly configured and built libwebp with arm64 support using the instructions above.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully built libwebp with arm64 support and should no longer encounter the “_SharpYuvConvert: undefined symbols for architecture arm64” error. Pat yourself on the back, and enjoy the satisfaction of having overcome this common obstacle. Remember, with a little patience and persistence, you can overcome even the most perplexing errors.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to ask in the comments below. Happy coding!

Remember to optimize the article with the target keyword “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” throughout the content, meta description, and headings. This will improve the article’s search engine ranking for the given keyword.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble with “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert”? You’re not alone! Here are some answers to your burning questions.

What is the cause of the “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” error?

This error typically occurs when there’s a mismatch between the architecture of your project and the libwebp library. The error message specifically points to the missing symbol _SharpYuvConvert, which is a part of the libwebp library. This can happen when you’re building your project for arm64 architecture but the libwebp library is not compatible with it.

How do I fix the “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” error?

To fix this error, you need to ensure that the libwebp library is built for the arm64 architecture. You can do this by adding the architecture to the libwebp build configuration or by using a pre-built libwebp library that’s compatible with arm64. Additionally, make sure that your project is configured to use the correct architecture.

What are the possible consequences of ignoring the “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” error?

If you ignore this error, your project may fail to build or run on arm64 devices. This can lead to compatibility issues, app crashes, and poor performance. In worst-case scenarios, it can even cause security vulnerabilities. It’s essential to address this error to ensure a smooth and reliable user experience.

Can I use a different library instead of libwebp to avoid the “libwebp Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: _SharpYuvConvert” error?

Yes, there are alternative libraries available that provide similar functionality to libwebp. For example, you can use the stb_image library, which is a single-header image processing library that supports multiple image formats. However, keep in mind that you’ll need to modify your code to use the new library, and ensure that it meets your project’s requirements.

How can I prevent similar errors from occurring in the future?

To prevent similar errors, make sure to carefully review the build configuration and dependencies of your project. Verify that all libraries and frameworks are compatible with your target architecture and ensure that you’re using the correct versions. Additionally, regularly test your project on different architectures and devices to catch any potential issues early on.

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